28 August 2010

Scarier than Stephen King.

This quote was found in the comments section of a Think Progress report on Glenn Beck's 8/28 rally in Washington.  The commonality of this rhetoric and that of the Tea Party is disturbing.

"It makes no difference whatever whether they laugh at us or revile us, whether they represent us as clowns or criminals; the main thing is that they mention us, that they concern themselves with us again and again, and that we gradually in the eyes of the workers themselves appear to be the only power that anyone reckons with at the moment. …"

"[O]ne can never count on protection on the part of the authorities; on the contrary, experience shows that it always and exclusively benefits the disturbers. For the sole actual result of intervention by the authorities – that is, the police – was at best to dissolve, in other words, to close the meeting. And that was the sole aim and purpose of the hostile disturbers." [...]

"If through some sort of threats it becomes known to the authorities that there is danger of a meeting being broken up, they do not arrest the threateners, but forbid the others, the innocent, to hold the meeting, and what is more, the run-of-the-mill police mind is mighty proud of such wisdom. They call this a 'precautionary measure for the prevention of an illegal act.'

"Thus, the determined gangster is always in a position to make political activity and efforts impossible for decent people. In the name of law and order, the state authority gives in to the gangster and requests the others please not to provoke him."

          Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf                       

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