18 January 2008

Endorsements, Have We Got Endorsements

And now for some more of the same!

Your Wandering Gentile wishes to visit with those who have fallen away from this blog's favor first, with a jaded eye.

Ron Paul is unlikely to ever receive the Republican nomination. Please understand that Representative Paul has brought some innovative ideas to the table. Unfortunately for his candidacy, he seems to have captured the imagination of the Tinfoil Hat Crowd (Republican Division.) Rep. Paul is not really that far Out There, but his supporters are, for the greater part, nuttier than squirrel excrement.

It is to the great chagrin of the Democratic party that Representative Paul is also unlikely to splinter away from the Republicans and rejoin his earlier companions in the Libertarian Party as their nominee for the second time.

The Democrats may wish to watch what they wish for, Karma-wise. After all, Representative Dennis Kucinich could hook up with the crypto-socialist Green party. Rep. Kucinich is a very articulate, and sincere spokesman for his beliefs. However, he also has a monopoly on the Tinfoil Hat Crowd (Democratic Division.) When his Tinfoil Hat Crowd feels empowered, they join the Greens.

The Greens and the Sierra Club are co-opting Lou Dobbs' message, albeit with different motivations. God help us.

At least Rep. Kucinich is upbeat, or at least as upbeat as anyone can be coming from Cleveland. John Edwards is not half as cheerful. At the moment Senator Edwards is the last angry white male. Okay, his 1982 haircut has already been bashed here, but the angry white male is so 1996 election cycle that it isn't funny. Would somebody buy this poor dude a calendar, already? Is that so much to ask?

John Edwards, for the benefit of his goals and those of his party, needs to go away, and soon. He may crash the hopes of the Democratic party in their most promising political season by staying in past the date on his label.

Speaking of remnants from 1996, Hillary needs to go, too. Senator Clinton is poison. With regard for the politics of the three major Democratic candidates, there isn't much difference between them. So it comes down to the fact of which one would the voter trust to accomplish the task of driving the country.

Senator Clinton's temperament is questionable at best. She is a very able manipulator among reasonable people, but her theatrics in the realm of world diplomacy would wear thin quickly. Senator Clinton offers a very negative impression that would only enhance our status as world pariah.

In other words, she could wreck the country by being a pain in the, uh, gluteus maximus, long before any policy could break the USA economically.

Mitt Romney has his standing as a businessman, but one suspects that he would be a bully and micromanager on a level shared with Mrs. Clinton. Also like Mrs. Clinton, Governor Romney seems to have his positions generated by responses to polling rather than sincere ideals. Let it be stated that Romney also gives the impression of an individual who would be likely to treat those who could advance his cause to a five-star meal, then tip his server poorly.

Romney may be a great tipper, but his patrician bearing and starched demeanor evoke images of George H. W. Bush with better syntax, and hair. He will want to reconsider his position on illegal immigration, because he is likely to provoke an exodus of American citizens long before the end of his first term, should he be elected.

Fred Thompson...what, are you kidding us? Boy, did the writer's strike wreak havoc on his campaign. Senator Thompson is likely to enfuriate business interests and confound image constructors in the Republican party with the Good Ole Boy sarcasm. News Flash for you, Fred; Ronald Reagan was a top box-office draw, and an established leading man, not a balding character actor with a bloodhound's jowls.

The happiest day for the Democratic nominee would be Fred Thompson at the top of the Republican ticket. Thompson is a mistake the Republican party can ill afford, and is unlikely to make.

Governor Mike Huckabee is a horse of a different color. If one looks at the record, what Gov. Huckabee accomplished with regard to Arkansas' infrastructure is nothing less than miraculous. Ask any trucker who saw an orange Schneider cabover pulling a 48' trailer disappear into one of the potholes that Arkansas was infamous for.

Huckabee is also a very gifted speaker, and his work behind the pulpit has blessed him with the ability to connect with an audience. Even those who disagree with him are charmed by his oratory. Governor Huckabee is a spellbinding communicator.

Yet, Huckabee has aligned himself with the Minutemen and other groups who oppose comprehensive immigration reform. Wait a minute, a minister of the Gospel is in bed politically with groups seeking to impose sanction upon a population that includes a large number of carpenters named Jesus? Does anyone else see the theological conflict here? And what exactly was Pontious Pilate's political position, anyway?

For non-practitioners of Christianity, and others unfamiliar with the story of Christian Passion, Pilate was the Governor. That is worthy of contemplation, particularly for Reverend Huckabee.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani is a moderate, socially liberal northeasterner attempting to earn nomination as the Republican presidential candidate. Bad idea; wrong place; Giuliani knows it. Giuliani got himself into more than he could take on, and now he needs a way to save face without looking like a quitter. What a loss for his party.

John McCain has similar views to Mayor Giuliani, but he carries a federal level of authority on security and an unimpeachable integrity from his experience in Vietnam. Senator McCain has shown himself to be a strong voice for cooperation between the parties. If one values experience and authenticity, the there is no better choice on the Republican slate.

Senator John McCain receives an enthusiastic endorsement from The Wandering Gentile for the Republican nomination for President. The mistake his party made in 2000 can be remedied now with a vote for McCain.

Barack Obama is the polar opposite from Senator McCain in terms of experience, but he invests his campaign with the same authenticity and integrity. Obama brings a strong, positive message combined with great optimism and love for the United States. Senator Obama's enthusiasm and hope have inspired many voters, as opposed to his Democratic opponents' shrill images of fear and ruination.

Senator Barack Obama receives an equally enthusiastic endorsement from The Wandering Gentile for the Democratic nomination for President. Any other candidate could be disastrous to the future of his party.

Your Wandering Gentile appreciates your attention, and encourages the reader to vote; early and often for voters in New York and Illinois. Thank You.

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