As the current Republican primary season drags to its grinding end with a mediocre candidate, Democrats have been gifted with another opportunity from Republican incompetence.
To wit, there is plenty of time to put both houses of Congress into play.
It would have been fun to watch Santorum and Romney play their childish genital-metric competition to see which one could be more vicious to women, minorities, and anyone else they preferred to see voiceless. But while this is fun to see how badly one can destroy the other, neither is likely to become sympathetic between now and November.
However, Democrats are now in a position to begin running the table.
Republicans, in a fit of pique over the first President who was not completely white, played upon the basest bigotries of white voters and managed to elect an extreme House of Representatives in 2010. This was a House which has managed to accomplish next to nothing in the 15 months since their inauguration.
Not only did they fail to turn back any legislation from President Obama's agenda during the first two years, they have also failed to propose any new alternatives from their own agenda in the same time span. It is as if someone were hired to clean and restore a dwelling, and decided that the fastest, most effective method of accomplishing that end were by setting that dwelling ablaze.
A convicted arsonist would likely be able to relate, the fire is a LOT of fun, but Fire Investigators can be so blamed fussy.
There is a not-unjustified call of "a pox upon both of their houses," from moderates and the sincerely apolitical. This call has its root in the propaganda of the right, which is heavily invested in maintaining the illusion that both sides are equally culpable in the betrayal of the majority of American citizens.
Should the Democratic campaign committee choose, an opportunity exists in the next few months to destroy the Republican Party's congressional aspirations, too. One hopes to show some possible examples of advertising which could work well.
Commercial 1: "I believe that using government to install the most restrictive principles of my faith is more important than improving the economy and creating jobs."
Commercial 2: "I believe in smaller, less intrusive Government. Which is why I believe that they have no right to mandate birth control, but they have a right to obligate a woman to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound."
Commercial 3: A montage of signs with ever-climbing fuel prices topping 5 or 6 dollars a gallon. Dark, minor chord piano follows the montage as we are taken to a senior citizen under a blanket in a dark home. There is a can of pet food with a spoon sticking out of it, and the senior citizen coughs as the viewer is taken to a boardroom with the words "Big Oil" on the wall.
"So, what are you going to do with your part of the subsidy?" One executive asks another.
"I'm going to contribute to (Republican Congressman) John Smith! He made sure that we, the job creators, kept that money instead of giving it to people who are doing nothing for the economy."
And so on...
Should the Democratic Party get serious about not only winning the White House but both houses of Congress, it will likely take but a mild examination of the actual priorities of the Republican Party and a small dash of sarcasm to do so. Because everyone knows that they can dish it out, but they can't take it.
To wit, there is plenty of time to put both houses of Congress into play.
It would have been fun to watch Santorum and Romney play their childish genital-metric competition to see which one could be more vicious to women, minorities, and anyone else they preferred to see voiceless. But while this is fun to see how badly one can destroy the other, neither is likely to become sympathetic between now and November.
However, Democrats are now in a position to begin running the table.
Republicans, in a fit of pique over the first President who was not completely white, played upon the basest bigotries of white voters and managed to elect an extreme House of Representatives in 2010. This was a House which has managed to accomplish next to nothing in the 15 months since their inauguration.
Not only did they fail to turn back any legislation from President Obama's agenda during the first two years, they have also failed to propose any new alternatives from their own agenda in the same time span. It is as if someone were hired to clean and restore a dwelling, and decided that the fastest, most effective method of accomplishing that end were by setting that dwelling ablaze.
A convicted arsonist would likely be able to relate, the fire is a LOT of fun, but Fire Investigators can be so blamed fussy.
There is a not-unjustified call of "a pox upon both of their houses," from moderates and the sincerely apolitical. This call has its root in the propaganda of the right, which is heavily invested in maintaining the illusion that both sides are equally culpable in the betrayal of the majority of American citizens.
Should the Democratic campaign committee choose, an opportunity exists in the next few months to destroy the Republican Party's congressional aspirations, too. One hopes to show some possible examples of advertising which could work well.
Commercial 1: "I believe that using government to install the most restrictive principles of my faith is more important than improving the economy and creating jobs."
Commercial 2: "I believe in smaller, less intrusive Government. Which is why I believe that they have no right to mandate birth control, but they have a right to obligate a woman to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound."
Commercial 3: A montage of signs with ever-climbing fuel prices topping 5 or 6 dollars a gallon. Dark, minor chord piano follows the montage as we are taken to a senior citizen under a blanket in a dark home. There is a can of pet food with a spoon sticking out of it, and the senior citizen coughs as the viewer is taken to a boardroom with the words "Big Oil" on the wall.
"So, what are you going to do with your part of the subsidy?" One executive asks another.
"I'm going to contribute to (Republican Congressman) John Smith! He made sure that we, the job creators, kept that money instead of giving it to people who are doing nothing for the economy."
And so on...
Should the Democratic Party get serious about not only winning the White House but both houses of Congress, it will likely take but a mild examination of the actual priorities of the Republican Party and a small dash of sarcasm to do so. Because everyone knows that they can dish it out, but they can't take it.
1 comment:
...maintaining the illusion that both sides are equally culpable in the betrayal of the majority of American citizens.
Because it is the least insulting to my intelligence I watch MSNBC's "Morning Joe" as getting off work but I must admit it is becoming difficult.
I sort of like republican Joe Scarborough, he seems decent enough but I am becoming increasingly dumbfounded at his continued defense of the likes of Santorum. Several times after Ricky said something beyond stupid Joe has jumped through hoops and twisted himself into a pretzel saying progressives have said much worse. While I fully understand liberals can stick their foots in their mouths I would really like him to give some examples.
Their are other issues with his defense of the current tea party dominated congress and how he visibly got angry over someone on his show who called Rick Perry a moron. Like I said, the show is about the best compared to the rest but Joe is in many ways living in another world.
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