30 September 2009

NO SKIDMARKS! Wandering Gentile Briefs.

CBS’ Guiding Light was extinguished last week after several eternities on the air.

In the case of soap operas, the bad frequently outweighs the good. A toddler on Friday becomes Monday’s relevant troubled teen. Twins, both evil and benevolent, materialize. The ever popular amnesia storylines explain characters which are resurrected. When in need of a ratings boost, have a wedding.

If searching for the ultimate benthic art, the American Soap Opera is as close to the definition as it gets. After a short time, the devices necessary to propel a daytime serial over decades become pathetic.

One soap had a lead character kidnapped by a gorilla. Another lead character has been married so many times that she now has more last names than a Manhattan telephone directory.

This does not require a mere willing suspension of disbelief. This requires beating disbelief down, handcuffing disbelief, and locking disbelief in the trunk of a Datsun Honeybee.

This skill set translates quite well to Glenn Beck’s audience.

Spanish-language soaps a/k/a telenovelas, much like pregnancy, go away after nine months, and occasionally produce something good like Salma Hayek.

Assemblyman Ivan Marte, ex-chairman of the Rhode Island Republican Hispanic Assembly, has announced that he is leaving the Republican Party.

Attempts to identify another member of the Rhode Island Republican Hispanic Assembly have not been successful.

Michael Moore tells Larry King that Capitalism failed.

Capitalism did not fail.

The mechanisms designed to restrain the consolidation of wealth in the hands of a minute proportion of the population were dismantled or abandoned. This concentration of wealth led to a de facto planned economy which was not responsive to the wants and needs of the market.

A profit-based system for discretionary purchases, with adequate regulation, is still the best guarantor of innovation and grower of employment. Planned economies are the clearest indicators of a lack of effective competition, inflating costs for a consumer base which dwindles.

Democratic allies who did not embrace the same kind of reckless deregulation are now climbing out of a worldwide recession/depression.

When the United States allowed companies to consolidate, just like the Soviets before, the market was filled with noncompetitive quasi-monopolies offering inferior product at inflated prices.

Economic systems do not fail. Utopians seeking an ideological purity force failure upon economic systems.

Laissez-faire ideological purity nearly killed capitalism.

Structured, well-regulated capitalism with extensive competition works just fine.

President Barack Obama has requested that New York Governor David Paterson not stand for re-election in 2010.

Paterson, a 1982 graduate of the Governor William J. Lepetomane School of Political Competence at the State University of New York in Plattsburgh, has suggested that he will stay in the race.

Young America’s Foundation spokesman Jason Mattera supported his Conservative beliefs by suggesting that “…our women are hot,” and cited columnist Michelle Malkin as an example.

If Malkin, 38, is the best they can do, Conservatives are in serious trouble.

While more attractive than the typical Conservative female spokesperson, Mrs. Malkin is not exactly the first person one thinks of when the word “hot” comes to mind.

Avowed Liberal women who would come to mind when thinking “hot” include: Scarlett Johansen, Charlize Theron, Beyonce Knowles, Halle Berry, Rosario Dawson, Eva Longoria, and Jessica Alba.

The total hotness of all Conservative women would leave copious space in Jessica Alba’s navel.

Mmmmmmm. Jessica Alba’s navel…


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