14 July 2009

Powerful Periodical Purloins Pauper's Post?

Did The New York Times do something inappropriate to your Wandering Gentile? (Please see enclosed link)

There is a word, it starts with the letter "p"...gosh darn it! It's on the tip of my tongue. I mean, the post "Clowns Are No Laughing Matter" had been out on the Internet for three days labelled with the words "Clowns" and "Al Franken," when a similar article appeared in the Times under Victor S. Navasky's byline.

Nahhh, it's only a coincidence. I mean, it's not like a writer who needed an idea could go to Google, plug in "Al Franken" and "Clown" and get a whole bunch of links. Hell, I even found a couple of posts with the same title as Navasky's Op-Ed piece.

But there is the issue of that "p" word...it just isn't coming out...but I can remember the name of the Times reporter associated with the term.

Oh yeah, they would probably recall Jayson Blair, too.

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