05 November 2008

Something Good Happened Last Night.

Today this is a better America.

We are better for having elected Mr. Obama president.

We are better in knowing that this great nation belongs to all of its citizens, not just a plurality.

We are better in knowing that a majority of voters were not compelled by fearmongering and divisiveness.

We are better in knowing that in January we face the rebirth of our nation, with tabula rasa.

We are better in seeing that now matter how crazy something sounds, it can be done.

Our hand must be extended to Senator McCain. While there were those around him who did not act in a way which appeals to the better angels of our nature, the Senior Senator from Arizona acted consistently as a Gentleman and truly exemplary of what our nation expects of its finest.

Godspeed, Lieutenant Commander McCain. Your life and service to this nation serve as an outstanding example of devotion and genuine patriotism. We hope that in spite of our disagreements, our lives may serve to reflect our love for this nation as as yours has so eloquently.

And to President-elect Barack Obama, your supporters have seen you as an agent for change. We have thirsted for optimism for many years. And we are grateful for the renewed sense of purpose we have found within ourselves through our involvement with this history-making campaign.

The hard work starts soon. There will be days when we disagree, and there will be days when we flat out wonder what the other is thinking. This is as it must be in all healthy relationships.

But for the moment, the honeymoon shall be sweet and passionate.

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