30 October 2008

What scares Republicans this Halloween?

Not all manifestations of pride in one's identity can be justifiably attributed to bigotry or chauvinism. If one has been marginalized by a population which has at the nature of its commonality a factor beyond the control of the participant, sometimes an identity-based action is part of becoming incorporated into a greater definition.

Of course, one refers to spectacular African-American turnout in favor of Senator Barack Obama. As the Civil Rights movement was predominated by, but not exclusive to African-Americans marginalized under the excesses of Jim Crow, the Obama campaign has managed to include Americans of all ancestries, while effectively addressing egregious, flagrant impositions upon the basic human dignity of African-Americans.

The most egregious of which has been the partitioning of the body of population descended from slaves and sub-Saharan Africa, with hyphens and loaded rhetoric, on all sides of the political spectrum. The accomplishment of an Obama candidacy has been the realization that the American identity is descended from Africa as well as Europe, and the experience of those descended from the more southerly continent is as purely American (and defining of America) as that of those who stepped off the ships arriving from Europe.

The economy has tanked for all Americans. The ideal of home ownership and productive employment have been subverted by corporate bodies unburdened by accountability for their anti-consumer actions. The concentration of Anmerican wealth is falling rapidly into a few sets of hands.

An African-American population with obstacles, be they real or imagined, to the same economic leverage available to Americans of European descent, functions as the early harbinger of financial torment. The chaos seen in African-American areas of Cleveland and Detroit three and four years ago has now metastisized into a national concern.

Ironically, the skill sets required to live in an environment of limited resources, opportunities, and leverage suit those who have these abilities in an atmosphere of financial turmoil. The neighborhood hustler, who always understood the importance of cash is better equipped than the MBA whose day-to-day liquidity was heavily leveraged. By necessity, African-Americans have required broader skill sets to live abundantly than their compatriots of European descent, owing to the relatively large authority accrued to persons overtly or covertly hostile to non-whites.

No African-American has come away from this presidential campaign without an extraordinary appreciation for the talent, sacrifice, and compromise required for Senator Obama to reach nomination. Should Mr. Obama be successful in his quest, while walls may remain, significant barriers to black Americans being realized as just plain Americans will be obliterated.

The purveyors of discrimination who have taken their sanctuary within the body of the Party of Abraham Lincoln will be among the earliest to be discredited. They are under the religion that American voters are likely to remain apathetic, regardless of their ancestry, as opposed to acting upon their own self interest.

The hope is that the American of European descent will become livid about the undocumented person who became productive by living off that refused by others, and disregard the citizen who constructed byzantine contracts and dysfunctional mechanisms which have looted his employment and savings. The proceeds were split between unethical entities in business and government alike.

The faith is that Americans of African ancestry will be too unmotivated to see that realization as Americans in full, and the social leverage commensurate with that status, is in their best interests. The faith exists that the black community is too discouraged to ever struggle again for actualization of the rights articulated and implied by the fourteenth amendment.

And the charity begins at home, making every cent liquid in anticipation of a modest increase in the Capital Gains tax...

Apparently, African-Americans did not get the memo about being apathetic. In states with large African-American populations, from 25 to 35% in some southeastern states, African-Americans have responded overwhelmingly and enthusiastically to the Obama candidacy. In the case of Georgia, once the reddest of the red states, African-Americans account for 35% of early voters, with estimates of support well over 95%.

Putting that another way, should these numbers remain consistent, Senator McCain will require 70% support from voters who are not black to have any chance at winning Georgia. North Carolina is demographically similar to the Peach State, and not safely in McCain's corner. Despite polling which indicates otherwise, no southern state is out of reach for Obama, and there is a very real possibility that Louisiana and Arkansas may go Obama's way as well.

Just when you though it was safe to turn on the news, Black people and liberals are about to take over the country. Somebody needs to get some magnets on Nixon's body, and some copper wire around it, because Tricky is going to spin fast enough in his grave to light up El Lay and Vegas.

THE GOATEE c.1971-2008

The Goatee, a symbol of macho ruggedness for over thirty years, succumbed to injuries sustained by multiple assaults by pretentious dorks.

The death came late Tuesday, when the ten-thousandth photo of Todd Palin's Goatee was published in the North Country Rummage Sale Finder and Penny Hoarder, of Beekmantown, NY.

The Goatee was preceded in death by the Mullet haircut, and Overpriced Sunglasses on a cord worn about the neck. It is survived by single-occupant gas guzzlers and Conservative Talk Radio as stupid fads popular with middle-aged white men.

Services have not been scheduled as of press time.

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